Wow! What a great time we had at Austin Code Camp. Packed room (65+) at 8:30 am on a Saturday morning!
I can't believe what St. Ed's has done with the Professional Education Center. Makes me truly proud to be an alum.
If anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to post. It may take me a day or two, but I WILL get back to you!
Download: Code
Download: Deck
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Best of all, the event is being held at my alma mater!
This will be a great primer on WCF as well as a brief introduction to service orientation. I will also have some fantastic free resources on CD from IDesign including samples, labs and best practices for getting started with WCF.
Date: Saturday, May 4th, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Topic: Introducing the ABCs of WCF
This session will provide an introduction to service orientation along with the fundamentals of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), the new framework for building distributed applications in .NET 3.0. The WCF API unifies ASMX Web Services, .NET Remoting, distributed transactions and messaging into a single programming model that makes true service orientation tenable. (Level 200)