I'll be at Mix '07 this week in Las Vegas.
There are several interesting sessions and this will be a good opportunity to come up to speed on Windows Presentation Foundation, XAML, LINQ, .NET FX 3.5, Vista Gadets and IIS 7 among other internet/intranet relevant technologies.
It will be hard to drag myself away from WCF for a few days. What do you mean there's more to life than WCF?
Interestingly, with .NET Framework 2.0 and Click Once deployment, I agreed with several experts that this would usher the return of the smart client. That said, the resurgence on the web brought on by Web 2.0, tool support and developer enthusiasm cannot be ignored, especially since my current employer ships almost entirely on ASP.NET. One of the Vista specific technologies we are looking to target are Gadgets, which provide for some very cool opportunities for Business Intellegence among other things.
If you are planning on being there, drop me a line!