The local DE team is putting on an event on 12/10 to recap some of the highlights of PDC.
This is a good opportunity to educate our selves on what's coming and start to prepare now, so please register for the event using the link below.
Some may ask "Why would I want to go to this event when I can see all of the sessions online?" The answer is COMMUNITY. Did you know that Phoenix has over a dozen user groups, including the AZ.NET User Group, South East Valley .NET User Group, Tucson .NET User Group and Phoenix Connected Systems User Group? These user groups cannot be successful without YOU. Without YOU, events like this aren't possible.
Only YOU make it possible for the community to host more great events like the Scott Guthrie events AZGroups has sponsored and more opportunities to meet and get to know your local developer evangelists. Why not get off the coach (or come out of the cubicle) and join your local DE team and other peers for a great day of learning and networking? You never know who you might meet or what you might learn.
Plus, Rob Bagby designed a cool shirt for the event with a REST and WCF theme, and who couldn't use another cool shirt?
Hope to see you there!