I was fortunate to participate in a one hour discussion with Microsoft architect Pat Filoteo and a few fellow MVPs including my Neudesic colleague David Pallmann on Windows Azure and AppFabric a few weeks ago when I was on campus for PDC 10.
The discussion was filmed and posted by the MVP team, uncut in its entirety.
In the segment below, we talk about the potential for AppFabric to transform how we think about composite applications and how important hybrid composition will be to the enterprise as it identifies the chemistry and seeks the right psychology for leveraging the cloud in a manner that leads to increased effectiveness while preserving and more importantly extending the reach of on-premise assets to the cloud and beyond.
If you are interested in watching all segments, please check out the MVP Award Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mvpawardprogram/archive/2010/12/08/windows-azure-q-amp-a-discussion-with-microsoft-azure-architect.aspx